Be Mine with a Bullet: Iowa Jeweler Gives Away Free Shotgun with Ring Purchase
Shotgun weddings aren’t exactly what they sound like, but this shotgun engagement stands pretty true to its name.
Shotgun weddings aren’t exactly what they sound like, but this shotgun engagement stands pretty true to its name.
The Mama Grizzly is going rogue. Again.
There’s no better revenge than living well. That, and winning a Nobel Prize.
It’s the new trend, apparently.
Steve Jobs, the master of singular less-is-more statements, would approve.
Admission will be available for non-Dancing Queens, as well.
Someone bring the popcorn, this one might be a doozy
A celebratory boat tour of Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour turned deadly on Monday when the vessel collided with a ferry and sank, killing 38 people.
The boat was carrying 121 passengers and three crew members when the accident …
Someone call the CDC, Bieber fever is real.
This sounds like a good idea … in no way.
But they look so good on Instagram!
Haters can’t even hate