
QUOTE: An Update on the Rapture Confusion

“(The Rapture will) be finished out on Oct. 21, that’s coming very shortly. That looks like it will be … the final end of everything.”

— HAROLD CAMPING, giving an update on when the Rapture, an event he says started on May …

Quote: Florida Primary Move Could Create a Mess

“If Florida moves, it would create chaos. The calendar would be so compressed that the states that are trying to more relevant, that I don’t think it would do any good for them.”

— CHAD CONNELLY, South Carolina GOP chairman, …

QUOTE: Banning Cell Use Not Popular

“This is not going to be popular. But, we’re not here to be popular. We’re here to do what needs to be done.”

— DEBORAH HERSMAN, National Transportation Safety Board chairperson, on proposing a ban on cell phone use by …

QUOTE: Iran Prison Resembles a Hotel

“(Fattal and Bauer are enjoying) very good conditions here in prison … it’s like staying in a hotel.”

— MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD, Iran’s president, on the conditions of the two American hikers being held in prison (via CNN)

QUOTE: Reese Witherspoon Is Lucky

“The driver seemed to have not seen her because of a large tree at the intersection…[Reese Witherspoon] was lucky, because it could have been much more serious.”

—WITNESS, who saw a car strike actress Reese Witherspoon while …

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