One of the latest videos to go viral shows that nature is powerful. Really, really powerful.
The Week in Web Trends: LeBron, Bieber and Lohan
Lindsay Lohan’s Fingernail Fiasco, World Cup Predictions of a German Octopus and Justin Bieber’s upcoming fake tour in North Korea topped another bizarre week on the web.
4th of July Last Call: A Towering Tribute to the Firecracker
In South Carolina, the roman candle is a practically symbol of romance on Independence Day.
4th of July: Great Moments in American Viral Videos
How to be American in 10 steps, according to It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Hint: It starts with rising up and ends with celebrating the patriotic trinity of rock, flag and eagle.
4th of July: Great Moments in American Viral Videos
Some countries turn to the local peddlers to buy their necessities. Others enjoy the unknown excitement of the 1-800 number.
4th of July: Great Moments in American Viral Videos
Badgers. ‘Nuff said.
The Week in Web Trends, Sex Edition: From Tut’s Penis to Cosmic Coitus
It was bizarre, steamy week on the web. NewsFeed breaks down all the trending headlines.
Always Wanted To Be Spiderman? This Kid Comes Pretty Close
Thirteen-year-old Hibiki Kono, who lives in the U.K., made an awesome wall-climbing machine using two 1400-watt vacuum cleaners. He spent five months working on it during design technology classes at his school. His only …
G-20 Videos: Don’t People Know How To Protest?
Throughout the G-20 Summit in Toronto, we saw striking images of violence and destruction, both on the part of protesters and police. But a few videos show that not all people really know how to protest correctly.
Social Network Trailer: So Zuckerberg’s in The Shining Now?
NewsFeed enjoys being on Facebook. NewsFeed enjoys the work of actor Jessie Eisenberg. So why doesn’t NewsFeed enjoy the trailer for The Social Network, the new movie about Facebook’s journey from campus time-waster to Internet giant?
Video: Racing to Prevent a PostSecret Suicide
The anonymous suicide note on PostSecret sparked an online movement to save a life. TIME reached out to some of those people who are working together to ensure that a lonely illegal immigrant doesn’t take his life atop the Golden …
Why Chipotle Wants Your Junk E-Mail
Is Chipotle healthy or not? While NewsFeed would say ‘definitely not,’ the burrito franchise is working hard to establish its good-for-you bonafides. To that end, the company wants you to forward them your spam e-mails — for charity!