Cameron Spencer / Getty Images
As with anything crazy and popular, Twitter has become overrun by the overzealous. This time, the problem is folks who feel the need to share — and share way too often — about what’s happening right now. Sure, live-tweeting makes sense for massive, one-time media events — Apple keynote addresses, or Presidential debates, or Thursday’s episode of House Hunters. But it’s reached the point that so many people are live-tweeting particular events that it’s almost better if no one else showed up. You don’t have to leave your desk to know what’s going on at a presentation or sporting event halfway around the world. You don’t even have to watch TV anymore — whatever you want to see, there’s almost surely someone live-tweeting it. How about we be old-fashioned for just one moment? We could stay off our phones for say, an hour, and just simply pay attention. (Of course, if the Apocalypse really comes, we’ll definitely be tweeting about it right up to the end.)