Kale. Wheatgrass. Chia Seeds. Yes, as in ch-ch-ch-Chia. It seems that our nutritional guidelines change almost as often your most annoying friend’s Facebook status. One day, it’s fine to indulge in a hamburger every once in awhile (you know, as long as it’s organic, antibiotic-free, grass-fed, free-range and served on a gluten-free bun), and the next day, health gurus are telling us to switch to beef liver for all its amazing health benefits. No, thank you. When the world ends, we’ll be happy to hear no more lies about how kale chips are just as good as potato chips. They’re not. Bring on the bacon double cheeseburgers, french fries, cupcakes and beer. If we’re going down, we’re doing so on a full stomach.
13 Things We Won’t Miss After the Mayan Apocalypse
Sure, a lot of things will be different after Armageddon. But these are the first things we will be pleased to see obliterated if it turns out the Mayans are right.
‘Nutritious’ Foods That Taste Awful
Full List
Happily Gone
- ‘Nutritious’ Foods That Taste Awful
- Subscription Card Inserts in Magazines
- Celebrity Couple Nicknames
- Photos of Your Food on the Internet
- ‘Unskewed’ Polls
- The Kardashians
- Automated Phone Systems
- Live-Tweeting Everything
- Justin Bieber’s Pants
- Bad Reality Television
- Parody Twitter Accounts
- Talking about the Mayan Apocalypse