This week’s formula is Kittens + Music = Internet.
Tumblr of the Week: The Books They Gave Me
One of things NewsFeed loves most about Tumblr is its knack at bringing individual things we love together. This week’s Tumblr is no exception. The Books They Gave Me features little stories and vignettes from contributors who …
Tumblr of the Week: Teenage Mutant Ninja Noses
Remember when you were a kid and you wanted to be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle? Well now anyone can be — or, at least, their nose can.
Tumblr of the Week: Kanye’d by the Bell
This week’s Tumblr examines what happens when two generations of pop culture collide.
Tumblr of the Week: My Band T-Shirt
Attention, music lovers! This week’s Tumblr is for you.
Tumblr of the Week: Feminist Ryan Gosling
Apparently, Tumblrs dedicated to Ryan Gosling are the new black.
Tumblr of the Week: Fauxgo
It’s surprising how many fictional companies out there ring a bell as if they were real.
Tumblr of the Week: Mastergram
Everyone knows someone who uses Instagram, the photo app that gives photos an aged, Polaroid look, on a regular basis to make their ordinary photos look more interesting. Perhaps you are that someone. But the man behind this …
Tumblr of the Week: Stocking Is the New Planking
It was about time that something took the place of planking, and we’re just glad it’s something that’s actually entertaining.
Tumblr of the Week: TIME on Tumblr
If you’ll forgive us a bit of self-promotion, we must say that we think TIME’s latest Internet venture is pretty special.
Tumblr of the Week: Windoodles
Who knew dry-erase markers and a sheet of glass could be so charming?
Tumblr of the Week: Things Apple Is Worth More Than
Everyone knows that Apple is a huge company. This week’s Tumblr shows you just how huge.