To attract congregants to his Miami Gardens megachurch, Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. said he would eat a cockroach, the Miami New Times reported on Mar. 12. At least he’s eating something; in 2011, he and other members of Trinity Church embarked on a 40-day liquids-only fast. But if he does pull this stunt, here’s hoping he fares better than West Palm Beach resident Edward Archbold, who died after choking on a live bug during a cockroach eating contest at a Deerfield Beach pet store in October 2012.
Freaky Florida: 15 Weird News Stories for the 500th Anniversary of the State’s Discovery
People do things differently in the Sunshine State — whether we’re talking about attacks by cannibals or by Taco Bell burritos, state-sanctioned python hunting or rogue manatee surfing.