Thanks to former President Ronald Reagan, July is National Ice Cream Month. Think of the countless tastes to celebrate with — vanilla…chocolate…strawberry…caviar…
Food & Drink
McDonald’s: Out With the Big ‘N Tasty, In With…Oatmeal?
Fans of McDonald’s Big ‘N Tasty and Mac Snack Wraps, get them while you can: McDonald’s is phasing them out of its menu. In its place – healthy(ish) food. But are they motivated by health, or money? Take a wild guess.
Why Chipotle Wants Your Junk E-Mail
Is Chipotle healthy or not? While NewsFeed would say ‘definitely not,’ the burrito franchise is working hard to establish its good-for-you bonafides. To that end, the company wants you to forward them your spam e-mails — for charity!
Obama and Medvedev’s Lunchtime Diversion: Ray’s Hell Burger
“Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce. Special orders, don’t upset us!”
Uh-Oh, SpaghettiOs
Campbell Soup is recalling some 15 million pounds of the spaghetti-in-a-can after a factory in Texas undercooked its meatballs. (via NPR)
Friendly’s Releases a Fast-Food Abomination
Ice cream places really don’t make healthy sandwiches. Want proof? Friendly’s newest creation, released early this month, is a burger and grilled cheese in one — you know, in case you can’t choose. We found five more of the …
Australian Cafe Steaks Claim to World’s Biggest Burger
Double-quarter-pounder stomach pains draw no comparison to this recipe.
Internet Eats Up Jim’s Pancake Creations
Have you ever been faced with the dilemma: “I want pancakes, but I also want a cheeseburger?” Or, better yet: “I want pancakes, but I also want to play Tetris?”
Photos: Five Doughnuts We Hate
Forget fireworks on the Fourth of July. It’s totally better to have a donut on the Fourth of June. Yes, today is National Doughnut Day, and TIME is set to celebrate by taking a look at the five donuts better left in the bottom of …
Chick-Fil-A’s Spicy New Offer – by Reservation Only
For a firsthand look at the nation’s newest chicken sandwich, do what any good connoisseur does to secure a seat: make a reservation.
Extreme Makeover: Heinz Ketchup Cuts the Salt
French fries are in a frenzy. For the first time since disco, America’s top ketchup company is changing its main recipe.
Vending Machines 2.0
Move over basic food choices. Homemade pizza, live lobsters and raw eggs are now all available on the go.